Common Birds of India

Red-whiskered bulbul- Pyconotus jocosus

Red-whiskered bulbul- Pyconotus jocosus.


-Ragoo Rao


Anyone with a beautiful voice is compared to a Bulbul.  Such is the beautiful voice this lovely bird with a brown body white underbody with a blackish necklace on the breast.  As the name suggests it has a white and black patch of whiskers just below the eye and the head is almost black with a feathery crest on top.  The tail has a white band at the tip and there is a red patch at the vent.

Distribution is throughout the country except for very arid regions.  They are always found in pairs hopping from tree to tree with their polyphonic singing chirps.  It is its voice which draws attention and then you locate the bird.  There are quite a few variations in bulbuls all based on coloration.



It is found both in urban and country side which has some trees to flit around in search of insects.  If any garden offers a bird-bath, the bulbul is a sure visitor to have a drink and enjoy his/her bath.  Around early mornings, just before noon and around early evenings are the most active time of bulbuls.


Nesting is somewhere between Feb-Aug and it readily takes to nesting in garden shrubs and small trees. The nest is well laid out cup like mass of grass and twigs.  2 to 4 eggs of pinkish white colour with brown and bluish blotches are laid and both parents share all domestic chores.


The young are very voracious and have a very un-bullbul like harsh ‘cheep’.  As they grow up with their devoted parents feeding them almost nonstop they grow very fast and by the time they fly away on their own they are endowed with the marvelous, melodious polyphonic voices.


A marvelous bird which easily accepts an invitation to gardens.   A bulbul pair nesting and being around in gardens is a delight.




 These birds are regular visitors to my garden bird-bath.  One could set the time with their arrival for a bath and a drink at 4 in the afternoon.  A sure visitor to the garden which provides a bird-bath and a small tree or a put-up perch close by. They enjoy a bath everyday.




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