Environmental Education

Naturalist program starts tomorrow

Posted by Susan Sharma on April 16, 2019

Forum Post

Hi All,

The first naturalist program at Shahanur kicks off tomorrow.

There are two more programs to apply for.  

Seats are filling fast.  

Apply Now

For details click on 



Team IWC


Environmental Education

Be a naturalist program at Melghat

Posted by Susan Sharma on April 08, 2019

Forum Post


To all IWC members,

Here is a wonderful opportunity to earn a Naturalist certificate from the Forest Department!! 

"Melghat is the 4th largest tiger reserve in the country in terms of area and the 1st tiger reserve of the state of Maharashtra. Unlike others, Melghat has a few unique offerings for the people who care for the nature and wildlife.

Be A Naturalist is one such programme. The aim is to create awareness and understanding about some core wildlife issues including management and administration of a park which is a tiger reserve. The participants get the opportunity to directly interact with experts and top officials and learn by doing what regular forest staff does or is done only by select few from the outside world.

The programme offers field work and in house sessions mixed with fun and adventure like camera trapping, learning sign surveys, intricacies of patrolling, mapping, first aid along with the wild side which includes safaris and treks in the tiger land.

The programme is conducted by the forest department and a certificate is issued to the participants after successful completion of the course."

Read more at our link


Apply soon as only limited seats are available

 See the beauty of Melghat forts in this short film



Dr.Susan Sharma

Founder, IndianWildlifeClub.com

Environmental Education

How can I change an address?

Posted by Charandeep on October 12, 2018

Forum Post

A change of address notification have to always be submitted to the nearby check in office whilst permanently moving from one condominium to every other or whilst transient residence at any other cope with lasts for extra than 3 months. The records are routinely also sent to many different agencies the very best way to trade your cope with is through our website. You can log in to the service the use of online bank credentials.  apply new pan card

Environmental Education

Environmental issue

Posted by MD TABISH EQBAL on September 16, 2015

Forum Post
environmental protection is one of the sensitive issue which we are facing today.

Environmental Education

BNHS Flamingo Festival (2013) attracts thousands of visitors!

Posted by Susan Sharma on March 17, 2013

Forum Post

The Sea of Pink   ( Read full article at http://www.bnhs.org/component/content/article.html?id=963)

Right next to the Arabian Sea was a Sea of Pink with nearly 15,000 Lesser and Greater Flamingo spread out on the mudflats foraging for food. In the background were the thick mangroves stretching up to Trombay and the oil refineries and power plants in Mahul in sharp contrast with the pink tide. The graceful movements of thousands of flamingos with their long elegant bodies, especially when flying in unison, were a mesmerizing sight. Apart from flamingos, it was also a good occasion to see other species of resident and migratory birds including herons, egrets, ibises, gulls, terns, plovers, sandpipers and kingfishers. Kids and grown-ups alike were making a beeline to click photos of the birds as well as their own photos with the flamingo statue kept at the venue!

Environmental Education

IIM Ahmedabad News letter

Posted by Susan Sharma on October 11, 2012

Forum Post
My article which appeared in the Newsletter of IIM, Ahmedabad.  The article is based on our Community , IndianWildlifeclub.com.  You can read it online at the link

Environmental Education

Foundr President CHAATAK NATURE CONSERVATION SOCIETY, VARANGAON, Dist-Jalgaon(Maharashtra) India ·

Posted by anil mahajan on July 17, 2012

Forum Post
Posted by anil mahajan on July 17, 2012


CHAATAK NATURE CLUB – A co-curricular activity with a mission. As a co-curricular activity,it offers opportunities to learn to develop skills to enjoy and care for nature.
  1. To promote interest and knowledge about the natural resources and the environment among the emerging generation.   
  2. To help young people experience the wonder of the nature and wilderness areas.
  3. To create awareness about environment friendly lifestyles.   
  4. To encourage conservation activities like Tree Planting, adapting exercises like Role plays, Jungle Walk, Bird Slide Show, Bird watching, Trekking and publishing magazines.  
  5. To undertake activities to nature and help the environment regenerate through activities like wild life photography, ornithology, trekking rock climbing getting close to nature through various programs like nature conservation music, nature games along with forest walks in night and nature trails during the day.
  6. To organize study tours and camps.
  7. To aware farmers about co-relation between agriculture and animals, birds, inspects
  8. To execute tree plantation in rural and urban areas. Arrange environmental awareness programs such as multipurpose development of forest resources and conservation of forest eco system and awareness of eco tourism.  
  9. To organize various programs for farmers, pulps wholesome that is mental intellectual social economical, physical, cultural, scientific etc. development and specially try to implement principles as embodies in the Indian constitution.  
  10. To form a society for ecotourism and agriculture centre without any political part.
  11. To organise environmental awareness, such as related to air, water soil, and pollution.  
  12. To undertake watershed activities in drought effected area.
  13. To restore the green cover by massive plantation in order to meet fuel and fodder to fulfil the need of the village itself.
  14. To organize group discussion seminar exhibition, competition and lecture services for farmers.


With regards
Anil Mahajan 08806198040
Founder President

Foundr President CHAATAK NATURE CONSERVATION SOCIETY, VARANGAON, Dist-Jalgaon(Maharashtra) India ·

Environmental Education

Strawberry cultivation in forest villages of north bengal

Posted by BABIT GURUNG on February 04, 2012

Forum Post

Among our several plans for the ecological and economical development of the forest villages for their sustainable livelihood to encourage their role in saving the natural resources, Our organisation ( Samsing Chauthary) has now started promoting the cultivation of strawberry plant starting with two forest villages of Kalimpong sub-division of north Bengal , Samsing and Mouray . For market research and demand analysis this year we have planned just to sow 8500 saplings of sweet charlie and Cameroza breed of strawberry, with the involvement of community of the forest villages. The best part of environmental awareness is given by strictly following the natural and organic methods of farming without contaminating the virginity of the soil.

Among the several plans and initiatives taken by the Chauthary organisation under the scheme of sustainable livelihood project to supply, this is the one more efficient step. The project aims to develop the livelihood of the forest villages which will promote their approach towards saving the environment by reducing their reliability on the natural resources.  

It also acts as an environment awareness campaign for the villages as the cultivation strictly follows the natural and organic method of farming, with a pre -cautious step to ban the introduction of chemical fertilizers and save the virginity of the soil from getting contaminated. The unique selling point (USP)of the product can be proclaimed as the naturally and organically grown strawberries.

The vision of the project in its own practical version will be to develop a huge market of organic strawberries in North Bengal with the ultimate utilization of the resources whatever available with the forest villagers so they can come forward to save the environment atleast their own surroundings.

The planting though happened lately, started in the first week of December, the fruiting time is expected to start from the last week of January and will continue till the end of March. A complete project report will be prepared to measure the yield per plan comparing both the villages who have slightly different climatic conditions . According to the report the sapling will be again distributed to all the interested forest villagers and therefore the marketing part will be done by the organisation.

To order garden fresh organic strawberries please contact the undersigned:




Phone: 9475332231, 7384083137

Landline: 03562200395

                                                                 Regn.No S/1L/79108

Environmental Education

Effects Of Radioactive Pollution

Posted by Tulip Das on March 18, 2011

Forum Post

Radioactivepollution is very important environmental problem. The effects o radioactivepollution may represent significant health risk to human and other organisms.


Ultraviolet(UV) light is actually electromagnetic radiation with very short wave length(i.e; shorter than that of visible light). UV ray damages the cells of corneaand ultimately results to blindness. It also causes blisters and redness o theskin (skin cancer) by damaging the cells of the skin.


The effectsof radioactivity generate damage to the gene pool, the genetics of all livingspecies. Genetic damage from radiation effects over life time and generations.


The firsteffect of radioactive pollution was noted in the early twentieth century(1909). The miner who were working in uranium mines, suffered from skin burnand cancer. Some of the major biomedical effects of radiation are well known inhistory. During Second World War in Japan (1945), many people were died due toradioactivity of the atom (atomic explosion). Another prominent radioactivedisaster was 1984, Chernobyl, where an atomic power station was met with anaccident.

Environmental Education

Toxic substance

Posted by Tulip Das on March 13, 2011

Forum Post

Thesubstances which have adverse effects on living organisms and environment, asknown as toxic substances.  A toxicsubstance has the ability to cause systemic damage to living organism. Toxic substancesare resent in air, soil, water and in other living things. They can enterinside body in many ways, like; - through ingestion- by eating or drinking,through inhalation- by breathing, through contact with the skin- by absorption,through injection- from syringe or from other poisonous insect or snake bite.


Toxic substancesare mainly of three categories. Chemical, biological and physical. Chemical toxicsubstances include (a) inorganic substances like lead, mercury, asbestos, hydrofluoricacid, chlorine (gas) and (b) organic substances like methyl alcohol, medicineand poison from living things.


The dosageor concentration of the toxic substances is very important. Or properfunctioning of organism, many substances may be essential at low doses, butthat particular substance can be dangerous at higher doses. For example,manganese is so important for an pregnant woman, that a deficiency of manganeseduring pregnancy reduce growth and can cause mortality of the offspring, whereas workers exposed to high levels of manganese (manganese mines) sufferingbrain damage that causes memory impairment, disorientation and acute anxiety.


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