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The Khasis of Meghalaya   (English/ 53min/2002/Beta)
Khasis are believed to be the remnants of the first Mongolian overflow into India . They inhabit nad dominate Shillong, the capital of Meghalaya. The film peeps into the animistic traditions and customs common to the indigenous people of the North East. The film also explores the impact of Christianity on this community. The role of Clan Mother, the worldly equivalent of the Primal Mother, is covered through the rituals surrounding birth and death. Her role in the social structure and community development through administration of clan property is also highlighted.

Producer: Iqbal Malhotra

Director: Amitabh Munshi
The Killing Field   (English/24mins/2005/Digital Beta)
The film explores the myth, the belief and lokk at the ritual aspect of the religious fair held annually at the Bhunkhal Kalika Devi Temple . Though religious practices celebrating any kind of mindless slaughter have long been abolished, at least on paper, animal sacrifice is a way of life in many parts of the country.

Producer: Public Service Broadcasting Trust

Director: Sanjoy Roy
The Last Flight   (English/24mins/2004/Beta)
Vultures are dying. Almost 95% of their population has been wiped out in the last ten years. For four years, the film covered every investigation, traveling to all parts of India , following the trail of the mystery deaths. The culprit was finally nailed. It was Diclofenac, a veterinary drug. Diclofenac enters the vulture body as it consumes the carcass and causes death by kidney failure. This was a case of a species being wiped out by a pharmaceutical drug.

Producer/Director: Nutan Manmohan
The Lifeline of Pocharam   English/21mins 10secs/1999
The film brings out the inherent capacity of nature to rejuvenate, provided sufficient protection is accorded. The film details the rich floral and faunal diversity of the Pocharam Wildlife Sanctuary. One significant aspect covered by the film is the role played by the local community in protection and management of the Sanctuary. The film traces the history of the area, which was once used by the HEH Nizam of Hyderabad for hunting and named it as Shikargarh. The film then focuses on how the declaration of the area as a Wildlife Sanctuary helped in bringing this highly degraded area back to life.

Producer: D. N. Reddy P.

The chef Conservator of Forests
A.P Forest Department
The Lions of the Gir   (English/52min)
The Gir forest in western Gujarat supports many endangered species, but it’s best known as the last refuge of the Asiatic lions. There are just 314 of them left in the wild. Miditech’s 52-minute film `Lions of Gir’ documents their place in this rapidly shrinking ecosystem. Humans and lions have been living together in Gir for centuries, sometimes in a rather uneasy truce, both battling for survival and space in this harsh land.

The film begins during the monsoon months, when the forest is bursting with vegetation. The pride of Asiatic lion is headed by two young males. Sharing the ecosystem with the lions are Maldharies. The Maldharies are traditional pastoralists. They own herds of cattle and buffalo, which graze in the forest and compete with wild ungulates like the cheetal or the spotted deer and the neelgai( blue bull) for fodder. But for the lions they represent easy meat.

The Gir is dry deciduous forest. Water becomes scarce. River dries up. The forest department fills water in artificial waterholes scattered through the forest for the animals. It is around these waterholes that the life revolves in summer. The lions wait near waterholes for easy prey. So do pythons who lie in the water awaiting small prey. The arrival of the monsoon transforms the forest. Birds start nesting. Most animals have given birth to young. Food is plentiful. As of now the pride is at its happiest. But for this large pride, future is hazy, once the cubs grow up and begin to carve out their own territories. The struggle for survival continues.

Director: Nikhil Alva/Niret Alva
The living fossil - indian horseshoe crab   (English/10 min)
Unchanged for 350 million years, the Indian Horseshoe Crab is one of the oldest living creatures on earth. Today this species is invaluable to medical research. Indian research on the Horse shoe crab and possible commercial exploitation is guided by a group of Indian scientists, committed to the conservation of crabs. This team of scientists working out of a tiny field laboratory in a small town on India's east coast has also successfully bred Horseshoe crabs in artificial laboratory conditions.

Director: Mike Pandey

Riverbank Studios,
C-18, Chirag Enclave,
New Delhi 110048,
India Tel: 9111-6410684/6216508
Fax: 911-6216508
The PAAL System   (Hindi/ 18 min)
The film deals with the paal system of irrigation which was prevalent in Arawali range of Alwar district in Rajasthan about 50 years ago. It was abandoned due to migration of the local Mev community to Pakisan during the partition of India.

The Paal system of irrigation is based on harnessing the rain water at the foothills through earthen bunds and making use of it for irrigation of crops. PRADAN ( Professional Assistance for development and Action) successfully worked on the project to revive the age old system and achieved astonishing results by doubling the mustard crop in this area.

Director: Sanjay Joshi

Jo Productions,
The Policing Langur   (English/30 mins/2004/Digtal Beta, DVCAM)
In India , monkeys freely wander through cities, towns and villages. But, in India 's capital, Delhi , a considerable population of destructive macaque monkeys plagues the city threatening people, raiding houses, schools, offices, hospitals and even airports. Paradoxically the only remedy that has been found in dealing with the monkey menace is to engage the services of bigger, powerful langur monkeys. The film captures the colorful vista of man-monkey relationship in India that stretches from mythology to the modern and makes for a captivating tale of veneration, toleration and co-existence.

Producer: Public Service Broadcasting Trust

Director: Ajay and Vijay Bedi
The Ridley’s Last Stand   English/45mins 30secs/2002
The Ridley’s Last Stand takes a poignant look at the lives and times of the olive ridley and provides new insights into the natural history and conservation of these mysterious creatures. It also presents a strong case that, in saving the ridley, we can save the livelihood of tens of thousands of artisanal fishermen and their families. The conservation of the ridley will directly lead to the conservation of all marine resources

Producer: Shekar Dattatri

The Soul of the Sand-Camel   (English/21min/2002/Beta)
The film is about camels and their relationship with humans. In the deserts the camel plays an important role in helping man earn his livelihood. In Western Rajasthan , the camel and other domestic animals are decorated with the adornment known as Gorband which is made from conch shells, glass beads etc woven by women into a broad fringe. In Rajasthan Gorband is one of the very popular folk songs too.

Producer/Director: Praveen K Jha
The Tidal Life of Krishna   English/17mins 40sec/2000
The film, ‘The Tidal Life of Krishna’ endeavors to bring out the importance of conserving the highly endangered and threatened mangrove forest eco-system. This film also highlights how the mangroves form nurseries and breeding ground for large number of fish and prawn species. The film brings out the role played by mangroves forests in sheltering the villages and human settlements along the coasts from the fury of nature like Cyclones, Tornadoes. It appeals to the people to join hands in protecting and preserving this highly fragile Eco-system which if destroyed can never be brought back.

Producer: D. N. Reddy

The Chief Conservator of Forests
Aranya Bhawan
Hyderabad 500 004
Tel: 91-40-23230146
Fax: 91-40-23214472
The Wailing Glaciers   (English/20min/2005/DV)
The documentary brings out the deteriorating condition of glaciers and rising threat to our lives which arise due to the lack of water availability. A startling study has shown that the glaciers are receding at the speed of 20 to 50 meters per year. Another matter of concern brought up by the international commission of snow and ice is that, by the year 2035 all the glaciers will disappear. A special effort has been made here to bring to notice the fact that with the retraction of the glaciers, “the glacial lakes are formed. When the water level in these lakes rise too high, it breaches the dam formed of ice and boulders, unleashing floods. The latest Sutlej-Beas floods in Kulu and Manli is one such example.

Producer/Director: Manmohan Singh
The Way   (English/5 mins/2005/MiniDV)
The film presents how different people react differently to animals and environment. It shows a frog escaping from a two- wheeler hit. The frog caught the rider's imagination instinctively. He made a turnaround, reached the frog, which was on the point of crossing the highway. Its attempt was thwarted. He just drove over it and killed it.

A boy who was witness to this entire event turned emotional. He abhorred the killer instinct in the two –wheeler driver. He became the saviour of frogs waiting to get across the highway.

The episode brings to the viewer a message. It helps them to have a glimpse of both sides of human kind.

Producer: Amitha Jagan

Director: J. Ram
the wings of kokkre, bellur   45 min/English
Painted storks and spot-billed pelicans nest and breed in the village of Kokkre Bellur ('Bird Village') in Karnataka. The villagers care for these migratory birds like they do for their own children. This is a film on the relationship betwen the birds and the villagers whose deep-rooted respect for all life has a lesson for us all.

K.P. Sasi
To Corbett With Love   24min/ 2000
Corbett National Park nestles in the foothills of the Himalayas. It is the first national park of the Indian sub continent and was the launching pad for the region's ambitious conservation plan called 'Project Tiger' in 1974.

The film is exclusively shot in Corbett Park and portrays the park from the viewpoint of a tourist. Corbett's magnificent forests with their rich flora and fauna attract some 48,000 tourists annually, many returning year after year for sightings of tigers, elephants, deer, ghariyals etc. and some 500 odd species of birds. The film looks at the conversion of Jim Corbett, the Nainital- born Britisher , from hunter to protector of wildlife.

The park's employees-rangers, forest guards and mahouts face threats from wild animals and poachers. In the film you can meet Subedar Ali, the mahout who survived a tiger attack , spent a year in hospital and then came back to work in Corbett park as a mahout, taking photographers and tourists for jungle trips.

For more details click on the title
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Director: Dr.Susan Sharma
Dr.Susan Sharma
C-2490, SushantLok Phase I
Gurgaon, Haryana 122002
Telephone: 91 124 5045330/331
Toda Stories, Anjali Panjabi   30 min
A film on the Todas, an indigenous pastoral community living in the Nilgiris and their encounters with modern Society.

P O Box 3264, Nizamuddin East
New Delhi-110 013 Tel: 91-11-24355941
Fax: 24353825
Email: society.
turf wars : Conservation Claims in the Great Himalayan National Park   (English/41min)
In 1999, villagers in the Kulu Valley in the state of Himachal Pradesh lost their ancestral rights to graze animals and collect medicinal plants in the area. This great blow to their livelihood occurred because of the creation of the Great Himalaya National Park which carved out a vast area for wildlife conservation. However, after excluding villagers from the Park a part of this protected area was released for the construction of a hydroelectric power project. Turf wars explore the conflicts around conservation and development from the perspective of local villagers, Forest Department officials, biologist and engineers.

Director: Sanjay Barnela and Vasant Saberwal

Moving Images,
D III/3425, Vasant Kunj,
New Delhi-110070
Tel: 6893384
Fax: 6124317
Under the Sun   (Bengali, Hindi, Kannada, Thulu/55min/2005/MiniDV)
The film captures the magnitude of India 's biological wealth as well as the related local traditional knowledge while examining the reasons for their rapid decline. The documentary focuses on two of the world's eighteen-biodiversity hotspots' tradition of sustainable use of local biodiversity resources. The film also focuses on West Bengal for its tremendous variety of agricultural crops, as well as the rich indigenous knowledge.

Producer/Director: Nilanjan Bhattacharya
Vedanthangal - Winter Heaven for Birds   English/16 mins/1997
Vedanthangal bird sanctuary is the oldest in the country and is one of the largest in the world. Vedanthangal has been home and winter haven for thousands of birds that migrate annually during the winter season to this sanctuary. Though the place attracts a huge number of birds belonging to different species, they neither quarrel nor disturb one another. It is remarkable that they live in “peace”. Moreover, this place is beautiful and a pleasure to watch. Hence, a request is made to visitors to leave the sanctuary as it is and let it be a popular place all the times, thereby conserving the (existing) Natural Resources.

Producer: A. Raja, A.V.R.C., Anna University, Chennai

Anna University, Sardar Patel Road
Chennai 600 025
Tel: 91-44-2351445
Fax: 91-44-2350397
Voices and choices in the Great Himalayan National Park   (English/21min/2004/DV)
The film is about the Great Himalayan National Park and deals with the issues of biodiversity conservation and sustainable livelihoods for the villages surrounding the Park. GHNP, India 's newest national Park, is the home of many endangered species and it is the only region of the Western Himalayas that is currently protected from human impacts. Surrounding GHNP is an eco-zone with 14,000 villagers who once used the now-Park lands for their economic benefit. Now excluded from GHNP, a local NGO Sahara and Park Officials are developing a unique model to hopefully ensure the protection of the Park environment and the economic well being of the villagers.

Producer/Director: Sanjeeva Pandey and Friends of GHNP
voices from ballapal   45 min. /English
An involving account of the successful struggle of the people of Ballapal (Orissa) and their attempt to save their land and resources against a national missile test range planned by the government. Farmers and fishermen from the village were promised factory jobs, pre-fabricated concrete houses outside the area- but they refused.

Producer: Rajan Palit and Vasudha Joshi
189, Sarat Bose Road,
Calcutta-700 029
Vultures: Death Watch   (English/47mins/2005/DigiBeta)
Death watch sets out to find out what's killing vultures in the Indian sub-continent. Over a decade, their numbers have dropped by almost 90%. Ornithologists across the world are alarmed. Indian communities like the Parsis for whom vultures are an important part of the tradition and play a crucial role in the disposal of their dead are worried. As are the thousands of “cattle skinners” spread across the country that are dependent on the efficiency with which vultures scavenge on animal carcasses, for their livelihood. The film explores the dependence of man on this carrion eater.

Producer: Pria Somiah

Director: Niret Alva and Nikhil J Alva
Whose Water   English/26mins/2002
This film explores the notion of state ownership of natural resources. In India the state owns all natural resources unless otherwise decreed. This is a story about Rajasthan, where 1000 villages have been revolutionized by bringing water back into their lives. Tarun Bharat Sangh, a motley group of people, led by Rajender Singh acted as a catalyst and inspiration for the communities and galvanized them to revive their traditional water harvesting systems. Dry rivers were revived and communities’ general economic well-being swelled. It sounds like a fairy tale and the results are almost like one!

Producer: Krishnendu Bose, Earthcare Films

Earthcare Films, B-91, Defence Colony
New Delhi 110024
Tel: 91-11-24334171, 24332005
Wild Dog Whisling Hunters   (English/30min)
Dholes are elusive foxlike animals that live in the dense forests of India. We now know them as wild dogs. They do not communicate through howls or barks but by peculiar high pitched whistles. Their elusiveness led many early naturalists to think that the Dholes were mythical beasts. Even today only the fortunate get to see them in the wild.

Directors: Bedi Brothers

Tel: 011 5441864, 011 5439939
Wild India 24 Hours   (English/13min/2004/Digi Beta)
The film covers the entire Indian subcontinent in one sweeping montage, from Pakistan to Myanmar , from Kashmir in the north to Kanyakumari and the Indian Ocean to the south. Everything is happening in one 24 hour sunrise-sunset-sunrise period on a winter day in December 2003.and yet there is a sense of timelessness about this fantastic journey through the heart of wilderness India . Definitely a first –ever attempt on such a scale and in such a tricky geographic sweep of terrain!

Producer/Director: Rupin Dang

A Brush With Death Einthinayude Naalvazhikal Living With Giants The Home Coming
a journey through moyar Elephant - God Or Destroyer , Krishnendu Bose Living With The Park, Ranthambore National Park, India The Jaws of Death
A Mirage for a Future ? Elephant-God or Destroyer Lost Wilderness The Khasis of Meghalaya
A Second Hand Life, Nutan Manmohan Fish Tales Man vs Nature : The Struggle Eternal The Killing Field
A Shivalik Monsoon Freedom Mangroves of Sundarban The Last Flight
A Tribute to Himalaya Healers For All Reasons, Vijay S. Jodha Miles to Go The Lifeline of Pocharam
Anathavalam-The Elephants' Paradise Healers or All Reasons Mindless Mining - The Tragedy of Kudremukh The Lions of the Gir
and the bamboo blooms Honey Hunters of the Blue Mountains narmada diary The living fossil - indian horseshoe crab
Aranya Yatra- Ek Sukhad Anubhuti Hunting Down Water NEEM: The Green Gold Mine The PAAL System
Bargad Ne Kaha Dekho Meri Duniya In Troubled Waters NEEMI – Paani Se Doodh Ki Kahani (NEEMI - A Tale of Milking Water) The Policing Langur
Behind the Glitter Indian Leopards - The Killing Fields Ode to a River The Ridley’s Last Stand
Bhalku….Ek Engineer Inside Ladakh - Chang Thang On The Fence The Soul of the Sand-Camel
Bio Control of Teak Defoliator Invocations to the Mountain Goddess Only an Axe Away The Tidal Life of Krishna
Biological Paradise of Andhra Pradesh it's our future too Operation Gajraj The Wailing Glaciers
Birds Through My Window Jal Hi Jeevan - Jal Sanrakshan Osobhano (The Hunt) The Way
Buddha Weeps in Jadugoda Jal, Jungle Aur Jeevan Panna-Jewel of Central India the wings of kokkre, bellur
Bugyal (Pastures) Jalam: Jeevante Amruthu (Water – The Elixir of Life) Pastoral Politics To Corbett With Love
Butterflies of Thanuppanchola Jardhar Diary Rainbows of Dark Sky Toda Stories, Anjali Panjabi
call of the forest Johad - "A Source of Water" Return to the Wild turf wars : Conservation Claims in the Great Himalayan National Park
Chaliyar : The Final Struggle Jungle Tales : Surviving Development in Uttara Kannada River Taming Mantras Under the Sun
Chandi Ka Samander Just Another Death Samatenay Sahajnay ka Vigyan (Tanka and Kuin) Vedanthangal - Winter Heaven for Birds
Cherrapunji-Rain, Rain Everywhere, but Not a Drop to Drink Kaippuneeru (The Bitter Drink) Sarang The Peacock Voices and choices in the Great Himalayan National Park
Colours of the Earth Kanha- Protecting a Paradise Shikaar voices from ballapal
Cry of the Forest Kareem and his Forest shores of silence - whale sharks in india Vultures: Death Watch
Dance with Hands held Tight Know Their Land the 18th elephant - 3 monologues Whose Water
Development at Gun Point Kurinhithinayilude The Apatani of Arunachal Pradesh Wild Dog Whisling Hunters
Development flows from the barrel of a Gun Ladakh - The Land of Mystery The Beauty of Dragons Wild India 24 Hours
Devta Activists Ladakh-A fragile Heritage The Dying Beauty Wildlife Plus
Devta Activists, Sanjay Barnela Langur Business The Fight for Survival Willing To Sacrifice
Doodhatoli Leopards of Bollywood The Fine Balance, Darshan Dave wings of change
Dui Paatan ke Beech Mein (Between The Devil and The Deep River) Let live…Snakes The Golden Bird Woods Were Lovely Dark and Deep
echoes from the jungles Life is Beautiful (fill in the blank) The Green Warriors - Apatanis Words on Water
eden of hope Lion tailed macaque - An endangered primate of the Western Ghat

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