Nature and wellness


Datura-A common wild plant

-Susan Sharma

Datura (Botanical name Datura Stramonium ) is a common weed found all over North India especially in this season.  Look for bell shaped flowers, mostly white, on sidewalks and vacant plots and you cannot miss them.

Given below is the picture of a white (common weed) and the light yellow flower of Datura.


The plant's flowers, leaves and seeds are supposed to be having medicinal properties.  The seeds are considered poisonous as well.  The flowers have been used in the worship of Shiva.

Many Ayurvedic poultices and other preparations use the various parts of the plant to cure inflammation, malaria, asthma etc.

If you search for Datura on google, the number of pages devoted to this plant, which mostly grows wild in our parts, is amazing.

Yet, most Indians are quite unaware of the existence of this endemic plant.

Datura flower bud

(Text and photographs Susan Sharma)

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