Forum > Bio-Diversity > Vulture consrvation

Posted by Dr. Dau Lal Bohra on November 02, 2010

Activities to save the vulture's,Jorbeer, Bikaner, Rajasthan

Populations of three Vulture species, White-rumped Vulture (Gyps bengalensis), Slender-billed Vulture (Gyps tenuirostris) and the Red-headed Vulture (Sarcogyps calvus)have suffered large decreases across the wold. Poisoningthrough consumption of carcasses that have previously been treated withthe veterinary drug Diclofenac has led to large population declines.The main threat to vultures in India  is diclo,since numbers of largewild ungulate species that constitute the mainsource of food forvultures are relatively low. A vulture restaurant isthe provision of adomestic animal carcass (a cow is the most usualspecies) to vultures atan appropriate site within their range.

Alternative feeding management of Gyps Vulture for migratory species in North West Rajasthan, India
(Vulture Safe Zones – Vulture Restaurants)

Necessary to conserve vulture’s migratory root

Currenttime focus on vulture conservation in North West Rajasthan especiallyBikaner region is very important. This is very sensitive area regardingto bird conservation, but in governmental policy focusing only suchsite their vulture population took place all the year example- nearNational park, wild life conservation area and other places. Butregarding the vulture migration is also the very big problem formonitoring and conservation aspects. South Asia is very important areafor vulture migration, so alternative feeding management is necessaryfor rest Gyps vulture’s and their conservation. In year 1999 to 2009,lot of Rs utilized for vulture conservation by Government and NGO’sbody, but in last 10 year no big changes for vulture population andtheir relevant area.

Importance of Alternative feeding management
Manyscientists suggest for decline of vulture population to change climaticand behavioral mode including roosting and feeding site. But reallyfood changing is the major factor for decline, So Alternative feedingmanagement system is very helpful for regarding conservation. Manytheories given by research paper but in ground level this is the notpossible and it’s very costly. So presenting this particular mode offeeding management is helpful for protection.

Treats of feeding managements

Vultureshave performed important ecological, traditional and aestheticfunctions throughout the Indian subcontinent.  In Vulture conservationprogram Indian government make up very sensitive and important issuebut in ground level they were worked not properly as If VeterinaryDiclofenac Ban by Government they people were used unspecified brand orHuman Diclofenac (Generic) for animal treatment. In many places poisonsuse for dead animal protection from vultures or carnivorous birdsspecies but they poison work against for environment. In Present timegovernment made many protocol for vulture conservation specially policyto recover the particular 3 endangered species but although mean timeIndian Griffon is also reduced in number. If don’t take any action bygovernment or NGO’s they show same scenario as OWBV’s position, soneeded to change protocol for migratory vultures program from allworking agencies. Historically, many factors have been responsible forlocal vulture declines particularly poisoning and persecution. Thedeclines in India result from elevated adult and juvenile mortality,and low breeding success. The widespread and rapid pattern of declines,i.e. in all areas irrespective of habitat or protection status suggestthat persecution through shooting or poisoning, whilst important at alocal scale, are unlikely to have caused the declines.  Theepidemiology of the declines is best explained by the introduction andwidespread use (i.e. nationwide) of a contaminant, or an infectiousdisease.

Available safe meat for vultures (activities to save the vulture in the Jorbeer, Bikaner)
Providing the safe meat (diclofenac and other poison’s free animal)for vulture feeding as alternative method for migratory species. Theyprefer which animals from the areas where dairy farmers usually avoiddiclofenac their large cattle and utilize Meloxicam or other painkillerof treatment.

Other activity
1.    Provide Diclofenac-free food to vultures in a secure and undisturbed location.
2.   Create awareness among local inhabitants about the need to conservevultures through publications and          education programmes.
3.    Work with veterinarians to prevent the use and diversion of human Diclofenac for treatment of cattle.
4.    Regular vulture census in the region.

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