Forum > Wildlife > Bird Feeding, Bird Bath | Nature Forever

Posted by Kaushal Desai on April 14, 2019


Bird Feeding, Bird Bath | Nature Forever

In this summer don’t forget to feed and give appropriate water to wildlife. Especially, water is one of the most important things birders can add to their backyard to attract birds. All bird species need water, and adding one or more water features to your yard will quickly attract feathered friends.  Birds need water for two reasons: drinking and preening. Water helps keep a bird’s body cool both from the inside and outside. Water baths can also remove dust, loose feathers, parasites and other debris from a bird’s plumage. Offering water in your backyard will attract more birds than just food sources, since birds that would not normally visit feeders can be tempted by water features.  Any water is an improvement on a dry backyard, but moving water will attract more birds because the motion catches their eye and they can hear any dripping, sprinkles or splashes. Apologies for not using original video sounds as its got windy sound so much in recording. 

Hope you liked this video. Keep Nature alive and fruitful 😇



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