Forum > Wildlife > Experience the real adventure of Tadoba Tiger Safari in India

Posted by Kunal Sutar on March 17, 2017


Are you planning to escape into the dense wilderness in theupcoming winter holiday season? You are just a step closer to yourmuch-to-be-memorable plan with Tadoba safaribooking- “ Wildlife Pride Of Maharashtra”. Tadoba National Park, one of therenowned tiger reserve in Maharashtra is the beautiful wildlife paradise.Incorporating India’s exciting TadobaTiger Safari, this national reserve is positioned 45 km close to ChandrapurDistrict of Vidharbha region in Maharashtra, and is around 150 km from Nagpurcity airport.  

With the extensive media hype of the threat the tigers havebeen going through and the very few sighting opportunity offered in urban zoos,many exploratory tourists are engaging in TadobaTiger Safari to experience the real tiger adventure.

Unlike the extensive open plains of theSerengeti park in Tanzania, Tadoba National Park is dense, typically comprisingof bamboo and teak trees. Its earthy setting is a mix of mustard, russets andgreens. At Tadoba Wildlife Safari,there are abundance of animals that includes tracking tigers & leopards inthe forest. Tadoba wildlife safarialso comprises sighting of barking deer, sambar and bison as they keep makingtheir appearances in the open wild, each posing patiently while visitorsattempt to capture their beauty in their camera.Be it is the forest guineafowl, aseed-eating songbird in the treesor the sloth bear, Tadoba Tiger Safariwill reveal the mutual respect  &harmony with which these amazing creatures co-exist.

‘ So in order to travel around & see the sights of rarespecies of animals, birds & plants, it’s imperative to check on the best tadoba tour packages. Travel Clubs suchas Mumbai Travellers offer exciting customized tadoba tour packages as per your distinct preferences. The packageincludes the safari which is organized on an open jeep and the journeycontinues with spotting the tiger and other amusements. Travel to Tadoba byavailing the fun-filled Tadoba tourpackages and have a thrilling travelling experience. Explore a rangeof places of interest in Tadoba by travelling around this well-liked wildlifevacationer destination.

The open safari jeep ride, also famous as tiger safari is generallyof few hour duration in the dense reserve, where the possibilities of tigerspotting and other species of flora & fauna are comparatively high. Thus online safari booking in Tadoba ismandatory, if you want to avoid the last minute hassle. Once you are done with online safari booking in Tadoba, you can await a memorable break from therush-hush of robotic lives. All the procedures of online safari booking for Tadoba Jungle Trail are managed by theforest officials as per the regulations of Maharashtra's forest department.

The fertile beauty of woods and captivatinghodgepodge of flora and fauna in Tadoba mesmerizes the sightseers in no time. Withno doubt, every wildlife aficionado must stopover this destination to see naturalwild world in the midst of enchanting panorama. Discover and avail diverse,pocket-friendly and various packages headed for this tiger reserve to takepleasure in a wide-ranging and unforgettable wildlife tour.


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