Press on Environment and Wildlife
Climate Talks: India to Hold Meeting of LMDCs (August Week #5 (2015))
NEW DELHI: Ahead of the crucial UN climate talks in Paris later this year, India would hold a meeting, of ‘Like-Minded Developing Countries’ (LMDCs) in September, on climate change to build a consensus on issues related to adaptation, mitigation and financing.

The LMDCs include a group of developing countries which would negotiate together as a group at the international platform. India has been talking to BASIC, LMDCs and SAARC nations to ensure that the new legal agreement on climate
change is based on historical responsibility of polluters and right to grow for developing nations. India is in the process of finalising its ‘Intended Nationally Determined Contributions’ (INDCs) which would be submitted to the United Nations next month.
All countries are either in the process or have submitted their INDCs in the run up to the Paris Climate Change Conference.

Report lists damage to Rihand reservoir (August Week #5 (2015))
The environment in and around Rihand reservoir, considered to be the largest manmade reservoir in the country, is getting damaged with high concentration of mercury, high pH, violations in fly ash disposal, ground water pollution with high fluoride concentration
and so on.

Silicosis, fluorosis and excess mercury are affecting the health of the residents around Rihand in Singrauli area in both Madhya Pradesh and Uttar Pradesh.

UK to fund Kolkata's climate action programme (August Week #5 (2015))
The United Kingdom will fund a capacity building programme for making Kolkata a low carbon city.

Ahead of implementation of the UK-Kolkata Municipal Corporation joint programme, the UK Minister of State for International Development, Desmond Swayne, was present on Sunday at an workshop for sensitising the Councillors of the city's 16 boroughs.

National Green tribunal stays all new constructions in Aarey till further notice (August Week #5 (2015))
MUMBAI: The state government's plan to build the Metro-III car shed in lush green Aarey has been stayed by the National Green Tribunal (NGT).

The Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation, which is redrawing the course of the proposed Goregaon-Mulund Link Road through Aarey, will also have to wait.

CSE welcomes Delhi government move to use recycled C&D waste (August Week #5 (2015))
NEW DELHI: A green body today welcomed Delhi government's decision to mandate recycled products from construction and demolition (C&D) waste for its building projects in future and urged it to to announce a composite policy on such wastes for improved

"This is an important move forward as construction and demolition of buildings cause enormous waste - about half of all materials used - that degrades land and environment," said Anumita Roychowdhury, head of Centre for Science and Environment's sustainable
urbanisation team.

New Scorpion Species Discovered from Kerala (Issue of the week, August Week #4 (2015))
Kozhikode: A group of researchers have discovered a new scorpion species of the genus Buthoscorpio Werner, 1936 from Chinnar Wildlife Sanctuary in Idukki. The new species has been named ‘Busthoscorpio chinnarensis’.

A team led by K Aswathi, Researcher at the Zoological Survey of India (ZSI) regional centre in Kozhikode, P M Sureshan, Senior scientist at ZSI, Kozhikode and Wilson R Lourenco of Natural History Museum, Paris have published
their findings in the latest edition of Taprobanica, a scientific journal published from University of Indonesia.

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