Press on Environment and Wildlife
World Bank urges ‘substantial’ pre-2020 climate funds (July Week #2 (2015))
PARIS: Putting money on the table for pre-2020 climate adaptation projects in poor countries, may help unlock an ambitious global pact in December, a senior World Bank official said on Thursday.

Commitments of cash for the coming five years would boost goodwill from poor countries and those at high climate risk, according to the bank's vice president and climate envoy Rachel Kyte.

Fund to fight climate change will be routed via Nabard (July Week #2 (2015))
NEW DELHI: National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development (Nabard) on Thursday got an accreditation from the Green Climate Fund (GCF) - a global multilateral fund that is meant to assist developing and poor countries in taking up their respective
mitigation and adaptation measures to fight climate change.

Accreditation to the Nabard, means that the national financial institution will act as a channel through which the GCF will deploy its resources in India. It also makes the bank eligible to identify communities and areas which are most vulnerable to climate
change and submit proposals to the Fund for financial support.

Tata zoo on plantation drive (July Week #2 (2015))
JAMSHEDPUR: To ensure adequate availability of food to the Great Indian Fruit Bat also known as the Indian flying fox, the Tata Steel Zoological Park (TSZP) has taken the initiative of planting fruit-bearing saplings on its premises.

As part of its plantation drive, the zoo has announced its plans to plant a number of fruit-bearing trees. They include trees of mango, pomegranate, jackfruit, kendu and cashew nut in large numbers within the zoo premises.

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