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Chat on "Chat on Environmental Issues" dated July 10, 2002

    Susan: Hello This is Susan. Anyone out there?

    kunaal: Hello this is kunaal

    kunaal: What is going to be the focus of today's discussion?

    Susan: The focus will be environmental issues in our country.

    Susan: But you can ask general questions about wildlife/national parks etc too.

    kunaal: I wonder at the sad state of affairs in our so called 'National Parks' and 'Wildlife Sanctuaries'. Do our laws ever get implemented?

    kunaal: What is going to be the effect of poor monsoons in the northern part of India, if any, on the wildlife in these sanctuaries?

    kunaal: Is Mr Mahendra Vyas online?

    Susan: yes, he is sending the replies to your questions.soon.

    kunaal: Have to sign off Susan... Some people are over. Can't really make out though, as to who all are online in the chatroom...

    Susan: Sorry about the delay. Hope we will improve next time. Thanks anyway for coming.

    kunaal: All the best... I have finally registerted!!!

    kunaal: Don't worry. It is a commendable first effort... Best Wishes to you, Mr Mahendra Vyas and all members of your club...

    Mahendra Vyas: Welcome all of you. Shoot! Thank you. I am waiting for questions. Pl. shoot! Thank you Susan. Are you reading me???? Kunaal do you have any questions ? Thank you again Susan. I waiting for some questions !! Kunaal we have a very large human and cattle population in this country yet we have more than 500 national parks and sanctuaries to boast of.  Some of them are truly spectacular. We do have some problems - many of our national parks are not fully notified.  The rights of the people have not been acquired even after 30 years of their first notification. These areas are full of timber which is very valuable. The mafia are united - the resources are limited yet there are many dedicated officers and staff battling it out to save our precious natural heritage. I am right here. If monsoon fails - I hope it does'nt the Proteceted Aeas (PA's) worst affected will be in North Western Regions.  Sariska, Ranthambhore, Wildlife found in Western Rajasthan eg. Chinkara, Balck Buck etc.

    Susan: Sorry for interruption, the server is ok now .

    Susan: Looks like monsoon has arrived in Rajasthan finally. That is good news.

    Mahendra Vyas: If the rains fail- Wetland /bird PA's would be the worst affected in the North and North Western region. If it fails elsewhere the wildlife in these regions will have a tough time.

    Mahendra Vyas: The prey  species such as the sambar and cheetal may skip the breeding and there will be very few fawns born.

    Mahendra Vyas: I am happy - my state which gets the least of the rains has got some.

    Mahendra Vyas: If the population of prey species fluctuates it can have some effect on the predators such as the tiger. But nature has its way of controlling and balancing.

    Susan: Birds can always fly off to a place where there is rain. But animals which do not migrate will suffer I think.

    Mahendra Vyas: Then one has to look at the regeneration of the forest, grassland and vegetation in general. Without rains this will not take place.

    Mahendra Vyas: They can fly to some other place - but not all the birds do that- many are territorial and do not leave their home range and continue to face the challenges. Other birds such as the storks, herons, ducks and teals, cranes, great Indian bustards migrate to greener or wetter areas for breeding.

    Mahendra Vyas: We must also remember that only the fittest will survive. In adverse conditions the weak will perish and the fit and the strong will survive and leave behind stronger and resilient individuals in any population.

    Susan: Thank you very much for the stimulating views, Mahendra Vyas. I wish more people had logged in.

    r-agarwala: Hi this is Rajyashree

    r-agarwala: is the chat still on?

    Susan: Hi welcome Rajyashree. M.Vyas will be happy to field your questions.

    Mahendra Vyas: Hi r-agarwala! Hi Rajyashree!Welcome. Shoot!

    Susan: I think we will wait for ten more minutes before calling it a day. MV, pleasae stay online.

    r-agarwala: sorry i disconnected..

    Susan: Thanks for coming back.

    r-agarwala: I was recently in Leh and was charmed by whatever wildlife I saw there...

    r-agarwala: are we doing something to maintain this region and its fauna?

    Mahendra Vyas: Ladhak region has a few protected areas where the wildlife and its habitat are protected.

    r-agarwala: okay

    Susan: What are the endangered animals of this area?

    Mahendra Vyas: r-agrwala-let me inform you that the Wildlife Institute Of India, Dehra Dun is doing lot of surveys and research in this areas - on snow leopard, bharal or blue sheep, Himalayan tahr, tibetan wild dog and T. Wolf.

    Mahendra Vyas: More PA's would be set up after completing the surveys in this area.

    r-agarwala: I see...the aim of the surveys being?

    Mahendra Vyas: Yes. Tibetan antelope or chiru is one susan.

    Mahendra Vyas: All other animals i mentioned earlier are also rare.

    r-agarwala: there is very wide variety of birds there too

    Mahendra Vyas: Can we call it a day susan?

    Susan: I think we have exceeded time already. Thanks a lot. You can log off.

    Mahendra Vyas: Yes! The most spectacular is the black necked crane. The Brahminy Ducks breed in  Himalayan lakes such as Mansarovar. The Great Crested Grebe is another large interesting bird. Tibetan snowcock, pigeons, seed eating birds such as buntings and larks abound. The highest flyers- the yellow billed chough (crow family) has been seen almost on top of the everest. The large bar headed and the great lag geese also migrate thru this region and breeds in some lakes there.

    Mahendra Vyas: Thanks friends. I am signing off. Till we meet again. Bye.

    Susan: Rajyashree thanks a lot. Leh discussion was really interesting.

Chat Archive
Dragonflies and Damsel Flies - February, 2017
Online Courses on the study of birds - July, 2015
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Why are vultures important for Swachh Bharat? - May, 2015
Green Living - March, 2015
Restoring degraded lands for wildlife - January, 2015
Insect Tourism - November, 2014
Use of GIS and Remote Sensing for Biodiversity Conservation - October, 2014
Why celebrate wildlife week? - September, 2014
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Wildlife Film making - June, 2014
Sharing of Experiences by our wilderness volunteers - May, 2014
Online Environmental Courses - March, 2014
Decreasing tolerance of backyard wildife - February, 2014
Frogs of India - January, 2014
Sustainable Development: The Right Approach - December, 2013
Tiger Cyclowalk- an Interview with Sunil Joshi - December, 2013
Tiger Cyclowalk - Highlands to Ocean - November, 2013
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Role of Citizens in Scientific Research - September, 2013
Ranthambore Adventure - January, 2013
Bats-The Night Warriors - October, 2012
Man vs Tiger-Can Science help? - July, 2012
Human Elephant Conflict - June, 2012
Saving the one horned rhino - May, 2012
"Man-Leopard Conflict - how we can deal with it" - April, 2012
Environment and Wildlife Film making - March, 2012
"Rainforest Wildlife-Unique adaptations" - February, 2012
Conserving wildlife in fragmented landscapes - January, 2012
Urban Biodiversity - September, 2011
Green Hiking in the Himalayas - August, 2011
Role of Zoos in Conservation - July, 2011
Reduce, Recycle and Reuse - June, 2011
Black Necked Cranes - symbol of the rising Green Consciousness - May, 2011
Wildlife Issues in the North -East of India - April, 2011
Trekking in the Himalaya - March, 2011
Conservation of Marine Diversity in India - February, 2011
Plant native trees this monsoon - January, 2011
Human Elephant Conflict - December, 2010
Conservation and Development in Emerging India - November, 2010
Responsible Tourism- Way forward to conservation? - September, 2010
Vulture Conservation in India - August, 2010
Plant a tree (trees) this monsoon - June, 2010
Role of Urban Birds - April, 2008
"Role of Urban Birds" - April, 2008
GM Foods and Bio-diversity - March, 2008
Taking Responsibility for One's Carbon Emissions - February, 2008
Ecological Security - January, 2008
The Himalayan Musk Deer - November, 2007
Urban Wildlife - October, 2007
Disappearing Tigers: Taking Stock - August, 2007
Garbage littered on our Streets - July, 2007
Bear Conservation nad Protection - June, 2007
Role of Captive Elephants in wildlife conservation - May, 2007
Endangered Animals of Sikkim - April, 2007
Citizen Participation in Environmental Issues - March, 2007
Vulture crisis in India - January, 2007
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Why is bird census important? - November, 2006
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Rain Harvesting - September, 2006
Environmental Education - July, 2006
Tribal Bill - June, 2006
Trekking in the Himalaya Region - May, 2006
Trekking in the Himalayas - May, 2006
Coastal Wildlife - April, 2006
MARINE BIOLOGY - March, 2006
Atmospheric Brown Cloud - February, 2006
Tiger Census - January, 2006
Tiger Task Force Report - December, 2005
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Tourism and Wildlife - August, 2005
Environment Education - July, 2005
Wild Elephants - May, 2005
Tiger Census - April, 2005
Enforcement of Wildlife Act and the Common Man - January, 2005
Crane Migration - November, 2004
Migratory birds of India - October, 2004
Offences Against Wildlife - September, 2004
Man Animal Conflict - August, 2004
Recent Amendments to the Wildlife Act - July, 2004
Is there a case for keeping large mammals in zoos? - June, 2004
Captive elephant management - May, 2004
Conservation of seaturtles - April, 2004
Asiatic Lion - March, 2004
Plight of lesser animals - February, 2004
Mangroves of India - January, 2004
DEER AND ANTELOPE - November, 2003
PHEASANTS - October, 2003
Amphibians - September, 2003
Chat on Butterflies - Our Natural Gardeners - April, 2003
Chat on Asian Elephant - January, 2003
Chat on Migratory Birds - December, 2002
Chat on Snakes - November, 2002
Chat on Rare Birds - August, 2002
Chat on Environmental Issues - July, 2002

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