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Chat on "Tiger Census" dated April 18, 2005

    Tiger Census  Chat on 18 April 2005

    Susan  Tiger Census! 

    Susan  Chat on 18 April 2005

    Susan  Hi 1346!

    1346  Do you think any animal census is accurate, and if so when and where? 

    Susan  In India numbers of tigers and elephants are supposedly monitored- But I think both figures are just filling paper files 

    Susan  What is your opinion? 

    Susan  I wish someone can tell us how accurate census done outside India are? 

    1346  It certainly is not an accurate science (or math!) anywhere in the world! So, neither the earlier census taken in India claiming that there were so many tigers nor the more recent one claiming that the number of tigers in India have diminished is accurate. What I have seen through my many years of experience with conservationists is that they like to believe the worst case. Why? Because this keeps them in their jobs! 

    Susan  I hope you are correct and the conservationists are wrong. But apart from census, I think we need to tabulate historical data of deaths/poaching.... 

    Susan  Also the sightings by tourists in any park is valuable data which need to be recorded somewhere. none of our parks do that. 

    Susan  How does one explain Sariska? Tigers could not have vanished overnight. 

    1346  Saisrka was never a good place for the tiger, and many have wondered off over the years to Ranthambhore. One was even seen at Bharatpur bird sanctuary a few years ago! 

    1346  Yes, that's true, we do not report actual sightings. I know soon before the so-called diminishing tigers scandal erupted, we had group visit Ranthambhore - and the tigers they spotted there were as many as we have seen in the past. However, spotting tigers does not mean that the number of tigers is the same or increasing! 

    Susan  Sightings by tourists can aid forest dept in making a realistic assessment. Most tourists take pictures and may not mind giving copies to the forest dept if requested. This can help identify the animal. The guide who goes along also is a valuable source of information. 

    Susan  Are you saying the Sariska tigers just wandered off- there is no poaching happening anywhere? 

    1346  Why don

    Susan  I have also heard about the tiger in Bharatpur. In fact there were warnings about it pasted all over the park. 

    1346  Why do not forest guards take pictures?? Your idea of having pics from tourists is a good one! And yes, I am saying that there were never many tigers in Sariska to begin with. 

    Susan  Guides should be encouraged to take pics. These days inexpensive digital camera are available-excellent for documentation. 

    Susan  I was reading on 5tigers .org that $2,154,517 has come to India from them to protect parks It is a mind boggling figure. 

    Susan  I also understand that every foreign tourist who visits India pays a percentage for the tiger as part of the tour cost. 

    Susan  All it proves is that money cannot save the tiger. 

    Susan  Also, the grants pale in comparison with the international prices for a dead tiger. So we are back to square 1. Stop poaching at any cost. 

    Susan  Nice to chat with you 1346. Some clarity has emerged from our discussion... 

    Susan  Instead of concentrating on census, may be the forest dept and MOEFF should spend their energies on combating poaching? 

    1346  Aren't we ASSUMING that there is poaching? How about drugging tigers and taking them to zoos and amusement parks?? Why is not anybody talking about this.

    Susan  Is it happening in our national parks? If so, nothing can be more outrageous.  

    1346  Just a thought! But think about it. Would a dead tiger be worth more than a live one??!! 

    Susan  Hi Sandeep! 

    sandeep  Hello susan madam 

    sandeep  hello any one here 

    Susan  Yes Sandeep please talk 

    Susan  Sad but true, the dead one fetches $50,000 I believe 

    sandeep  Just reached home so i am going through what u have talked, i am new to topic 

    sandeep  Does'nt the frequent spotting of tigers in national parks indicate the increase in number 

    mukesh  as far as I know you have to be bloody lucky to spot a tiger. Where do you see them frequently? 

    mukesh  1346, as of today a dead tiger does seem to be worth a lot more than a live one, unfortunately 

    Susan  Which park are you referring to sandeep? 

    sandeep  I remember in mudumalai , they used to write in the starting point safari, the last date tiger/other animals spotted 

    mukesh  yeah but a hundred tourists doing the same circuit in a park the same day could be spotting the same tiger. They do tend to remain in a particular area for sometime 

    Susan  What is the official no. of tigers in Madumalai any idea? 

    Susan  In Corbett and Ranthambhore sightings are becoming more and more rare. 


    Susan  the link you suggested talks of Corbett. Any recent reports on Madumalai census? 

    sandeep  i searched , but i couldnt find any 

    Susan  If there are are no more comments, shall we close the chat room? 

    Susan  Thank you all 


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