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Chat on "Ecological Security" dated January 18, 2008

    Susan  Welcome to IWC chat on 18 Jan 2008
    Susan  The topic of discussion is " Ecological

    security-who and How?"
    mayank  Hi Susan
    mayank  Good evening to you
    Susan  Welcome Mayank
    mayank  Its great to be here
    Govind Singh  
    Susan  Good to see you Govind
    mayank  Hello MR.Govind Singh
    Govind Singh  hello Mr. mayank :)
    Susan  Tell us in a nutshell what is meant by
    ecological security, Mayank
    mayank  Susan, ecological security is a very wide
    mayank  and here the debate about ecological security
    largely circulates on how we can make it sustainable
    mayank  however if we try to limit the term ecological
    security to a bare minimum it will imply restoration of ecological processes , in a sustainable manner
    Susan  What are the projects you are involved in?
    mayank  Susan, presently I am coordinating a technical
    study on the nutrient cycling in our Rajasthan project areas
    Govind Singh  desert ecology is a very interesting
    field...plz elaborate on this study
    Susan  Sounds a bit complicated-can you explain a
    little further
    mayank  Yeah this is a bit complicated
    mayank  it broadly deals with the assessment of the
    interlandscape transfer of nutrients
    mayank  primarily from the forests to the fields
    Govind Singh  What is the exact project area plz?
    Susan  What are the means by which this transfer
    takes place?
    Susan  welcome Karthik
    karthik nair  susan how r u .I joined iwc few months
    Govind Singh  Hi Karthik!
    mayank  well, environmental dynamics is based on two
    karthik nair  hai govind m fine.
    mayank  nutrient cycling and energy transfer
    Susan  Go ahead Mayank
    karthik nair  mayank im karthik .a new iwc
    member.hope ur fine
    mayank  nutrients travel in a cyclical fashion,
    while energy moves in a unidirectional way
    mayank  hi karthik, nice to meet you
    mayank  nutrients while they are transferred moves
    betweeen landscapes mediated by environmental tools
    mayank such as water and wind
    mayank  this creates interlinkages and thus also has a
    great limiting effect on the productivity and thereby the sustainability patterns of various landscapes , or it can be said ecosystems
    karthik nair  i m actually a keralite but residing
    in bihar.
    mayank  the addition of human factor adds to this
    mayank  and thus the question of ecological security
    comes in
    mayank  its very amazing, that the environment when
    left on its own , recuperates itself so beautifully, and restores the ecological balance by itself
    Susan  Go ahead Mayank
    mayank  but any unsolicited interference in it
    disturbs it susbtantially beyond the scope of recuperation, and hence then it requires intervention
    karthik nair  guy's i just can't believe what came
    in the news paper ...a worm that makes ants look like berries
    Susan  What are the symptoms of a disturbed
    ecological balance?
    mayank  as you all may find it implicit , ecological
    security, in the present context stands corollary with the social and economic security
    Govind Singh  So..what are these interferences that
    have happened..that now solicit our interference/
    mayank  symptoms of disturbed ecological balance are
    very explicit,
    karthik nair  dramatic increase in a population of
    some species
    mayank  species extermination, destruction of food
    chain, destruction of micro climate

    mayank  which become magnified in the form of the climate change
    Susan  Oh that is very revealing.
    mayank  govind, interference here implies unjudicious
    exploitation, impractical managament
    mayank  changing priorities
    karthik nair  sudden extinction of of some species
    mayank  and to susbtantiate you, you may go to the
    southern pocket of Delhi Ridge forest which bears the ornamental plants
    mayank  and looks more like a park rather than a
    reserve forest which it ought to be as per the government records
    Govind Singh  If the delhi govt's planning...goes
    its way...soon...everyone will be going to the south delhi ridge....
    Govind Singh  they plan to make lot of malls there!
    mayank  Since i am working in this field, i can go on
    and on  on this topic

    karthik nair  i am not getting any replies
    mayank  however to have a fruitful discussion, lets
    have some views from you all , about ecological security
    mayank  exactly govind
    mayank  karthik, i am not that fast in typing
    karthik nair  gotta go now
    Susan  Tell us more about the Rajasthan project
    Govind Singh  hm..some problem...apparently
    auto-refresh is not working :(
    mayank  karthik, biologically speaking, sudden
    extinction of species is not due to ecological disturbance but sudden changes
    mayank  Susan , the rajasthan project deals mainly
    with the recognition of the linkages between the forest and the agriculture ecosystems
    Govind Singh  Hm..ecological security word is
    different from environmental securtiy....but the fact that both are inter-related is what we have to remember. Can u plz comment on that
    mayank  govind both are interrelated and may be said
    as corollary
    mayank  the difference is only what is between ecology
    and environment
    Govind Singh  But then...when it comes to working towards ecological securtiy more important...or on environmental ?
    mayank  when in implementation,  it is required that
    we start from an ecological perspective and then move on to a broader environmental aspect
    Govind Singh  And..well..this is a huge topic in
    itself...but when it comes to the tribal rights bill.....what are the whos and hows of ecological securty amidst env security?
    mayank  well that's a question with wide ranging
    repercussions, but having the fundamental priorities  modified

    mayank  to speak on this term , it will remain the same for any other community as well
    mayank  any community should be motivated for self
    realisation, about their responsibility towards maintaining their sustenance and maintaining it
    Susan  What are the applications of your study on
    Rajasthan's ecology processes
    mayank  only then any interventions in this regard
    would hold a considerable degree of sustainability

    Govind Singh  Hm..thats true. So where again...did u say is the your project area in Rajasthan?
    mayank  Susan , we are coordinating the rajasthan
    study which is being conducted by a scientific institution at Anand itself
    mayank  We shall be using the results of the study for
    extending our interventions and including the society and the commons as well
    mayank  to integrate the four components of forest,
    farm, livestock and water
    mayank  Govind our study in Rajasthan is being carried
    out in the Udaipur and Bhilwara districts
    mayank  Bhilwara project area reflects the
    farm-water-community interlinkages
    mayank  while the Udaipur area includes the forest
    component also
    Govind Singh  Ok.thats good to know

    mayank  Govind what are your ideas about this topic
    mayank  If I ask you as a layman then what will be
    your reply to the How part of the question
    mayank  Susan, Your views are also welcome
    Susan  study of ecological security looks at
    ecosystems in a 'holistic'manner'
    mayank  very true Susan,
    mayank  may I also include the word Integrated therein
    Govind Singh when we decentralize our
    'systems' and work with the communities (both animal, plant and human) rather than working on them!
    mayank  Govind, I fully agree with you, and that is
    the basic philosophy, and the dilemma is everybody knows about it but no one wants to implement it
    Susan  The food chain or nutrient cycling has to be
    understood for each landscape before interventions are made
    Govind Singh  Precisely, since implementing it would
    require...'will power' and the realization..that the remote rural farmer knows more about ecosystems than we think..and that s/he should be consulted as well!

    None of what is required exists in the present day though :(
    mayank  Indeed
    mayank  I have seen in the field how motivated and
    effective community based conservation is

    Susan  Interventions like use of pesticides, fertilizers
    Govind Singh  Im sorry i am bad with your
    work area anywhere close to sariska?
    mayank  our community oriented ineterventions in some
    of the areas , especially the Pratapgarh area has increased the water availability to about 10 months from the earlier 4 months
    mayank  No susan , I believe when there is a holistic
    understanding, artificial supplements are not at all required
    Susan  Tarun Bharat Singh has been active in Bhilwara
    mayank  Govind our work area is located near
    Kumbhalgarh Sanctuary
    Govind Singh  Oh...I think I have heard of that!
    mayank  Yes susan, but really never had a chance to
    meet him
    mayank  Susan, Govind, I really feel that a common
    view which has developed in this chat room, should and must be developed in a bigger perspective
    Susan  What are the community oriented interventions
    you have made in your area
    mayank  we have strengthened the village based
    mayank  and developed where there were none
    Govind Singh  Thats nice to hear..hope this
    e-governance thing catches on soon
    mayank  at the hamlet, village and the district level
    mayank  community is motivated to frame its own
    byelaws and they even practise those laws faithfully
    mayank  they punish the defaulters
    Govind Singh  Nice..reminds me of the case of Jogi
    nath saperas...who are now snake protectors!
    mayank  well it wont be wrong that we just facilitate
    the community directed implementaion of our interventions
    mayank  well that will only be the key for the lasting
    Govind Singh your work seems more like
    participatory research?
    mayank  Exactly Govind
    Govind Singh  ..which does great wonders...if
    carried out properly!
    mayank  well i would say facilitated implementation of
    the scientific principles through proactive community participation
    mayank  Very true Govind
    Govind Singh  Is there a link or website where we
    can read more about your work?
    Govind Singh sounds interesting!
    mayank  yes, you may check it out at
    Susan  mayank, you have shared a lot with us - and wish you all the best with your projects. It will be nice if yu can share your project successes (like Pratapgarh) with us on a regular basis
    mayank  and my official email is
    mayank  please feel free to contact me and share views and opinions
    mayank  this requires a mutual effort and that will
    enrich it
    Susan  It is more than an hour shall we call it a
    mayank  yes sure I can do that
    Govind Singh  thanks..would do that
    mayank  I am glad the rules were made little flexible
    for me
    Govind Singh  And it indeed has been more than n
    mayank  It was a very enriching session and hope you
    also feel the same
    mayank  Well, its good to know that I can talk
    Govind Singh  yup..surely!
    mayank  :)
    Susan  Thank you Mayank, Govind and Karthik
    mayank  Hope to catch you all soon
    Govind Singh  Thank you ma'm...for puttin us all
    together! :)
    mayank  Thanks you Susan, Karthik and Govind
    Govind Singh  and thank u Mr. mayank for the nice
    mayank  Well, to end it let us propose a virtual toast
    for our environment
    Susan  Thanks and bye.

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