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Chat on ""WILL ANIMALS ADAPT TO ANOTHER HABITAT........" dated October 18, 2010
  • Susan Sharma: Hello Vaibhv
  • Vaibhav Shete: hi maam
  • Susan Sharma: The subject is quite intriguing. What is you take on it?
  • Vaibhav Shete: it is most important problem wildlife will face now so...
  • Vaibhav Shete: how will endemic species survive if habitat is destroyed
  • Susan Sharma: I think the answer is they do not survive
  • Susan Sharma: Most of them simply press the ESc button and go EX(TINC)IT
  • Vaibhav Shete: maybe but we will have to create artificial or temporary habitats for them or exitinction!!!!!
  • Susan Sharma: Can you create an alternate ecosystem?
  • Vaibhav Shete: man may develop some sort of alternative
  • Vaibhav Shete: we cant let them go extinct
  • Susan Sharma: Do you know of any such initiative?
  • Vaibhav Shete: no but if i find i'll let you know
  • Vaibhav Shete: one example: where will malabar gliding frog hibernate if tropical rainforest are destroyed!!!
  • Susan Sharma: But Vaibhav, I feel that the biggest mistake conservationists rare making is to think of extinction species wise or individual creature -wise
  • Susan Sharma: We see the M. gliding frog going extinct but we do not see the ecosystem it is supporting going extinct
  • Susan Sharma: We can may be recreate the habitat for a couple of frogs -kind of Noah's arc
  • Vaibhav Shete: yes you are right but endemic species will not be able to reintroduce
  • Vaibhav Shete: and creating malabar habitat is very difficult
  • Susan Sharma: But they cannot stay in the Ark for long-they need to go back to the ecosysytem which nurtured them
  • Susan Sharma: I feel sad none else from IWC even found the topic interesting-none else in the chat room!
  • Vaibhav Shete: yes cause they will need to make some changes in their body as they did in evolution time
  • Vaibhav Shete: well i have invited some pple
  • Susan Sharma: yes, I think they will evolve again or more likely, many will give up and go extinct
  • Vaibhav Shete: and there are some species that may adapt themselves like the nilgiri tahr which needs grasslands
  • Vaibhav Shete: we may introduce them to some other grasslands and they may flourish
  • Susan Sharma: What is the adapting behavior shown by Nilgiri Tahr?
  • Susan Sharma: Are you thinking of Cheetahs too-they will adadpt to Indian grasslands if reintroduced?
  • Vaibhav Shete: yes i think so because if herbivorous like chinkara are there they (cheetah)
  • Vaibhav Shete: can survie
  • Susan Sharma: I see. that is a good view point.
  • Vaibhav Shete: but i would be difficult in some cases like some species that need tropical forest
  • Susan Sharma: Can humans prioritize who to bring back from extinction and who not-depending on availabilty of space/environment
  • Vaibhav Shete: the answer is genetic progress
  • Susan Sharma: what do you mean by genetic progress?
  • Vaibhav Shete: doctors should create clone or genetic forms of endangered species
  • Susan Sharma: That is quite doable today with the progress man has made in medical sciences
  • Vaibhav Shete: and we can increase population to conserve
  • Susan Sharma: Well, that is interesting
  • Susan Sharma: but then we are again back to availabilty of habitat for the increased population
  • Vaibhav Shete: but alternately we will atleast save them from extinction
  • Susan Sharma: I think some one must work to save the 'honey bees" which are getting endangered. Your solution will work for them
  • Susan Sharma: If you know of any such effort please write in. I can even think of starting a special column for you
  • Vaibhav Shete: it may but first cutting of hives for honey should be made legal
  • Susan Sharma: You can keep sending more info on the topic as and when you get it
  • Vaibhav Shete: yes i will tell everything to you maam
  • Susan Sharma: What has cutting of hives to do with honey bee extinction?
  • Susan Sharma: did you mean legal or illegal?
  • Vaibhav Shete: tribals cut down hives at high rate to gain money as they sell honey but some times eggs may get carried with hives
  • Susan Sharma: OK.
  • Vaibhav Shete: so that should be made legal and controlled to avoid so
  • Susan Sharma: Vaibhav, I appreciate your clarity in trying to solve some complex problems- Hope you will continue to work to save wildlife
  • Vaibhav Shete: i am ready to die for wildlife
  • Susan Sharma: Whatever I can do through our club, just ask.
  • Vaibhav Shete: that so kind of you maam
  • Susan Sharma: Thanks for coming in Our one hour is up.
  • Vaibhav Shete: thank you
  • Vaibhav Shete: felt nice chatting with you regards
  • Susan Sharma: For now, I am going to close the chat room. Thank you.
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