Chat on
"Role of Urban Birds"
April 18, 2008
Chat on 18th April 2008 (Friday)
Log in to for an online chat on
“Role of Urban Birds”
between 7.30pm (IST) and 8.30pm (IST)* on 18th April 2008.
All are welcome.
The chat will be moderated by Dr M Shah Hussain**
Here to reach the chat room and enter with your username(email id) and password at the appointed time.
* Go To Timeand Date to see the time of online chat in your country.
** Dr Hussain is the Scientist -In-Charge of Aravalli Biodiversity Park, New Delhi
He is attched to CEMDE ( Centre for Environmental Management and Degraded Ecosystems) of University of Delhi.
He can be contacted at
Click HERE to see transcripts of our earlier chat sessions.