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Chat on "Endangered Animals of Sikkim" dated April 18, 2007

    Susan  Welcome to IWC chat on "Endangered Animals of Sikkim" 
    Govind_SESDU  Good evenin' Ma'm 
    Susan  Welcome Govind 
    Susan  Which part of the country are you in? 
    Govind_SESDU  I hope u r doing good and keeping well! 
    Susan  Thanks Govind I am fine 
    Govind_SESDU  New Delhi! 
    Susan  While waiting for our Sikkim expert to come in, let us hear about your interest in nature and wildlife 
    Govind_SESDU  Well...they are too much to put in the few 4-5 mins left to be 7:30! 
    Govind_SESDU  And I would appreciate if you could go through my latest blog...
    Susan  What is SESDU? 
    Govind_SESDU  an initiative to map the Greens of Delhi! 
    Govind_SESDU  SES, DU -> School of Environmental Studies, Delhi University :) 
    Susan  I just saw you blog! 
    Govind_SESDU  O...nice! what do you think ma'm 
    Susan  I see you have also announced IWC chat there-Thanks. 
    Susan  DU is actively involved in bio diversity parks 
    Govind_SESDU  Its my pleasure...any effort towards a better and more sustainable environment..shud always be highlighted
    Govind_SESDU  yup..the yamuna and the aravalli biodiv parks... 
    Govind_SESDU  the latter is still not open to public 
    Susan  It is very satisfying to see the younger generation actively involving themselves in environ.
    Susan  I have seen the yamuna park. It is a very good effort 
    Govind_SESDU  Thank u from the all of the 'younger generation' that I know is taking keen interest to ensure env equity and social justice! 
    Govind_SESDU  Yes..i was over there the other day..and we saw a the wild..was a thrilling experience... 
    Govind_SESDU  ..not to mention the guavavas..mulberries...and the yum 'bers'!!! 
    Govind_SESDU  Ma'm ...if I may ask...since Usha ma'm is still not the IWC workin on some projects lately? 
    Susan  If you mean ground level projects- no. IWC is just an online club  
    Govind_SESDU  Hm..ok...I could see the 'New' Green Jobs section...but th last post on it is bout an year old. 
    Susan  You are right. There are many sections which need updation. We have just finished revamping an e-commerce site. 
    Govind_SESDU  Yes..I visited it about 2 days ago..its a nice effort! 
    Susan  When we manage generating some money then we will take up the other sections of IWC too. and may be even have a ground level

    project-which is a dream 
    Govind_SESDU  Oh..thats really good to hear...I hope that happens soon. 
    Govind_SESDU  By th way, did you hear about Vatavaran's Wildlife Film making contest? I think it must be of interest to you. 
    Susan  Govind, what is the latest on protecting Sundernagar nursary trees? 
    Govind_SESDU  There have been lots of initiatives so far but Im still to here some concrete ones... 
    Susan  Yes, Govind, I am aware of Vatavaran. I attended the festival last year. 
    Govind_SESDU u must have read on the Blog...the treesfordelhi (a.k.a ToxicsLink + Kalpavriksha) is organising this tree meet at IIC 
    Govind_SESDU  So...wil try to attend and bring this up. 
    Susan  20th April. Yes. 
    Govind_SESDU  Im stil not sure if i wil be able to make it..since my dissertation submission deadline is head on!...but it wud be nice if you can attend as well 
    Susan  Wonder what has happened to Usha. Sikkim has problems with internet connections when there is bad weather. I hope that is not happened today again. 
    Susan  What is your dessertation on? 
    Govind_SESDU  Yes....thats exactly what I had thought..when I first read about her coming online! 
    Govind_SESDU  Minus Assam..the entire Northeast belt has a bad bad internet connection 
    Govind_SESDU  Im workin on Environmental Impact Assessment of two Hydroelectric Projects.... 
    Govind_SESDU  coming up near Sri Kedarnath...for Lanco Infratech 
    Susan  Is it going to be within KWLS? 
    Govind_SESDU  one of them...yes 
    Govind_SESDU  It will go as up as Rambara..thats like way too much inside the WLS...and thats what im gonna write in my dissertation.... 
    Susan  Govind, how about writing a column for IWC-on "Corporates and Environ", 
    Govind_SESDU  as to how...when it comes to development...all else is overlooked! 
    Govind_SESDU would be my pleasure to do so! 
    Susan  We pay a good honorarium for all published articles in our ezine. Just 500-600 words and a photo to illustrate the topic you have chosen. 
    Govind_SESDU  In fact i wrote an article 'EIA in India - Sab Ganda hai par Dhandha Hai Ye'...after the song from the movie Company...
    Govind_SESDU  But i was told...if i get it published while workin at the center where I am right now...they'l give me big big 0's in my dissertation! 
    Govind_SESDU  Oh..didnt know that part...sure...will soon pen down..and send it  
    Susan  Give me a fact based article without pointing fingers at specific persons and we will publish it. 
    Govind_SESDU pointing fingers!...ok..will keep that in mind! :) 
    Susan  Looks like Sikkim wildlife has not attracted other chatters either 
    Govind_SESDU  'Corporates and Environ'..from EIA point of view?? 
    Govind_SESDU  Oh..donno about others...But Im MORE THAN FASCINATED by the entire biodiversity of India's Northeast!! 
    Govind_SESDU  In fact..I didnt give the article i said i had written for publishing...simply because I was promised a trip to aruncahal!!! 
    Govind_SESDU  and so wanted to hear about Sikkim's biodiversity status..particularly the Red Panda!!! 
    Susan  Yes, it will be nice if you can write a series- about the EIA aspect of various hydraulic projects, mining projects etc- We need to make people aware 
    Govind_SESDU  Certainly...looks like you are looking for a synopsis of my will definitely make ppl aware! 
    Govind_SESDU  Ma'm if i can ask, your PhD. from IIT is in which stream? 
    Susan  May be you can pass the word around to your friends in the same filed too. We are looking for good, fact based articles 
    Govind_SESDU  Certainly..will do that. 
    Susan  My Ph.D is in Management- MIS specifically. 
    Govind_SESDU  K...interesting..and what do you think is the wildest wildlife videography that you ve done till date!!!? 
    Susan  So IWC is an MIS effort on my passion which is nature and wildlife 
    Govind_SESDU  Im asking...since im myself en route to take up WL photography as a majortime hobby! 
    Govind_SESDU  yes...I noticed that about IWC! 
    Susan  Watching and videographing peafowl chicks emerge from eggs-in the wild 
    Govind_SESDU  Ohh..that sounds pretty inviting!
    Susan  Shall we call it a day? Sikkim does seem to be out of bounds. No reply to my emails either. 
    Govind_SESDU  Hmm....I think we should..thought I would love to continue till atleast 830....but a look at my study table suggests otherwise 
    Govind_SESDU  was nice to talk to...just one last thing...
    Govind_SESDU  I have been doing it too often lately..guess cause my MSc. is about to end... 
    Susan  So, Govind do write in whenever you have time. And look fwd to your articles. 
    Govind_SESDU  so..what advice, suggestions would you have for my generation ..that wishes to take up Env as a career option!!!? 
    Susan  Yes, go ahead 
    Susan  Do not give up hope. Integrity and passion will win the day! 
    Govind_SESDU  Thanks for that..thats a new one i must say! 
    Govind_SESDU  And certainly..will submit my articles at the earliest! 
    Susan  so bye for now. I am going to close the chat room  
    Govind_SESDU  k...bye..take care 


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"Man-Leopard Conflict - how we can deal with it" - April, 2012
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"Role of Urban Birds" - April, 2008
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Endangered Animals of Sikkim - April, 2007
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Trekking in the Himalayas - May, 2006
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