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Chat on "Plant a tree (trees) this monsoon" dated June 18, 2010
  • Dr.Susan Sharma: Welcome to IWC chat on "Plant a tree/trees this monsoon"
  • natarajan: i have planted sir
  • natarajan: what type of is tree good?
  • Dr.Susan Sharma: Hello mr Natarajan
  • Dr.Susan Sharma: Local trees are the best
  • Dr.Susan Sharma: Where are you from?
  • Dr.Susan Sharma: What is the tree that you have planted?
  • natarajan: i am in chennai now
  • natarajan: i ve planted coconut trees
  • Dr.Susan Sharma: very good, what is the best time to plant coconut trees?
  • natarajan: i do not sir u say me
  • Dr.Susan Sharma: Which month do you plant coconut trees?
  • natarajan: sir some are saying if plant neem tree it affect our building? is it true
  • natarajan: last month i ve planted
  • natarajan: but my home is in madurai, i am in chennai now
  • Dr.Susan Sharma: Neem roots can affect the building if planted too close to the foundation
  • natarajan: oh ,then what should be distance from the building sir
  • Dr.Susan Sharma: In Delhi and Gurgaon, people plant neem trees on the roadside, since few houses have large compounds
  • Dr.Susan Sharma: I tried planting Coconut trees in Gurgaon, but they died in the winter months.
  • natarajan: but if we plant roadside its diffcult 2 guard
  • Dr.Susan Sharma: I have not seen coconut trees growing in these parts.
  • natarajan: oh south coconut tree grows the best
  • Dr.Susan Sharma: Neem trees do not require much looking after. Cows do not eat the leaves. So once the plant has taken root, it is safe.
  • Dr.Susan Sharma: Are there tree plantation drives in Chennai?
  • natarajan: oh , but goats in our area's eat neem tree's
  • natarajan: no sir there no drive
  • Dr.Susan Sharma: oh I forgot goats. Then you must put tree guards when the plant is small.
  • natarajan: but neighbours in our r not that good
  • Dr.Susan Sharma: There is a website called which gives lot of useful info.
  • Dr.Susan Sharma: neighbours will use the leaves and stem for cleaning the teeth, I guess?
  • natarajan: no sir
  • natarajan: mail me any article related to nature in
  • natarajan: will u sir?
  • Dr.Susan Sharma: Yes, Natarajan. Now that you are a member of Indianwildlifeclub, you will get a monthly magazine in your mail box.
  • natarajan: thank u sir
  • Dr.Susan Sharma: also you can write in queries, write a blog, add a trip report etc.
  • Dr.Susan Sharma: Thank you for coming in.
  • Dr.Susan Sharma: It is time to close the chat room. Bye
  • natarajan: k sir definitly sir
  • natarajan: that site is opening
  • natarajan: hairyalithane
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Plant a tree (trees) this monsoon - June, 2010
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